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  • Hi̇droli̇k Asansör Kabi̇nleri̇ | | İstanbul



    Hidrolik Silindir Keçeleri Hidrolik keçeler silindirdeki akışkan sızıntısını engellemek dışında silindir içerisindeki yüksek basınç, yüksek sıcaklık ve yanal kuvvetlere dayanıklı olmalıdır. Keçe sızıntısına yağ içerisindeki talaş kir ve sürtünme ömrü neden olmaktadır. Hİdrolik Silindir Keçe Çeşitlerimiz Dalma Tip Piston Keçesi Mil Altı Endüstriyel Keçe Nutring Keçe Oring Keçe Konik Oring Piston Keçesi

  • Hakkinda | | İstanbul

    ADM ELEVATOR Our company stepped into the sector in 2002. With its knowledge, experience and experience, Adm Elevator started its activities in the elevator sector in 2016. During this time, we have improved the quality and trust standard, production assembly and after-sales service quality, material quality and company organization day by day and offered ADM Elevator to our customers as a safe brand. CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW OUR CERTIFICATES. EU TYPE EXAMINATION OF ELEVATORS (MODULE B) SERVICE QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE TYPE COMPLIANCE OF ELEVATORS BASED ON QUALITY ASSURANCE (MODULE E) TRADEMARK REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE By obtaining the CE (full quality assurance) certificate confirming that it has reached quality standards, we have registered that we attach importance to safety, and we respond to elevator service requests in a very short time with the mobile service we provide in Istanbul with 3 vehicles. With the regular training programs we give to our service personnel, we carry the level of safety and quality in the work we do. We are affixing a new electric human and freight elevator, EN81-20, hydraulically driven human and freight elevator, EN 81-20, hydraulically driven human and freight elevator, EN 81-20, CE marked. We carry out GREEN AND BLUE transactions in accordance with TS EN 81-80 standards in the replacement of old elevators in permit renewal. We serve our customers with our 24/7 on-duty services in accordance with the ISO Quality Assurance System criteria.

  • Hi̇droli̇k Asansör Tami̇ri̇ | | İstanbul

    HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR REPAIR As Hydraulic Lift Service / ADM ELEVATOR, all kinds of single and double acting cylinder seal replacement, valve oil leak removal, comfort adjustment and spare parts, interior and exterior repair kits are made. We repair your hydraulic elevator faults immediately _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_edip. We are affixing a new electric human and freight elevator, ENE -1, hydraulically driven human and freight elevator, EN 81-20, hydraulically driven human and freight elevator, in EN 81-A3 standard, CE marking. We carry out GREEN AND BLUE processes in accordance with TS EN 81-80 standards in the replacement of old elevators in the renewal of permission . We repair new and old generation valve groups in hydraulic lifts, repair of internal and external leaks, engine winding and pump repair, cylinder seal replacement, internal and external oil leak repairs. ISO Quality Assurance System criteria, with our 24/7 on-duty services, we look at all kinds of hydraulic lifts and repair them immediately. If you want your hydraulic elevator malfunctions to be repaired immediately call us To communicate Click here 24/7 service

  • HİDROLİK VİLLA ASANSÖRÜ | Hidrolik Asansör

    HYDRAULIC HOME LIFT VILLA ELEVATOR Homelift elevator systems are the preferred elevator system in villa-style detached houses. Homelift elevator is aesthetic, it increases the quality of the area where it is used. Platform type home elevators can be easily installed almost anywhere as they come with their own carrier shafts and do not require a machine room or shaft. .


    slider hidrolik asansör slider slider 1/6 HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR The hydraulic elevator is an elevator solution used in buildings that do not have an elevator machine room, have low traffic density and have certain travel distances . Instead of the engine room, a suitable floor on which the hydraulic unit will be mounted is sufficient. It can be used to carry people, loads, vehicles according to the needs; Hydraulic movement system is used in lifting vehicles designed as load platforms in areas such as stores, warehouses and factories. As the name suggests, hydraulic lifts provide cabin movement by means of a piston using hydraulic oil pressure. While the cabin's own weight is used in the downward movement of the elevator cabin, hydraulic oil pressure is used for the upward movement of the cabin. ABOUT US Our company stepped into the sector in 2002. With its knowledge, experience and experience, Adm Elevator started its activities in the elevator sector in 2016. During this time, we have improved the quality and trust standard, production assembly and after-sales service quality, material quality and company organization day by day and offered ADM Elevator to our customers as a safe brand. OUR SERVICES We provide 24/7 service, repair and maintenance services in elevator fault detection and fault repair. Contact and FAST PRICE OFFER... CLICK HERE HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR REVISION HYDRAULIC INSTALLATION HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE OUR REFERENCES OUR TAG SOLUTIONS Elevator tags are the tags attached to the elevators by determining the suitability or non-compliance of the elevator in the annual periodic control inspections carried out by expert control engineers in order to ensure the modernization of existing elevators in accordance with the regulation published by the relevant ministry. The tag taken during the controls made in accordance with the elevator regulation must be placed in a visible place in the elevator cabin. Tags are by color. BLUE TAG BLUE LABEL It is rated as low risk. There are no restrictions on use. RED TAG RED LABEL It is the tag indicating that the elevator is high-risk in terms of use. If the elevator has received a red tag in the inspection made by the control engineers, the use of the elevator is not suitable for life and property safety and should never be used. The malfunctions detected during the control must be corrected within 1 month, otherwise the elevator will be sealed and out of use. YELLOW TAG YELLOW LABEL Indicates that the elevator is at an acceptable risk level. Identified deficiencies must be corrected within 2 months. GREEN TAG GREEN LABEL It means that the controlled elevator does not carry any risk in terms of use and is safe. The elevator does not carry any risk in terms of life and property safety. Hidrolik asansör ne demek? Hidrolik asansör Tahrik yeteneğinin hidrolik pompa ünitesi tarafından sağlandığı asansör dizaynıdır. Hidrolik yağının bir pompa ile kaldırma pistonlarına iletildiği ve kabinin direkt veya endirekt olarak pistonlar ile hareket ettirildiği sistemlerdir. Aşağı yön hareketleri kabinin kendi ağırlığı ile gerçekleşmektedir. Hidrolik asansör nasıl çalışır? Hidrolik asansörler elektriğin tahrik ettiği pompanın yağı basınçla itmesiyle pistonların platformu kaldırması esasına göre çalışır. Pompalanan yağı hidrolik g üç ünitesinden belirli şartları yerine getirerek geçip borular ve hortumlar vasıtasıyla hidrolik silindiri harekete geçirirler. Hidrolik asansör güvenilir mi? Hidrolik asansörler ideal olarak altı, yedi kat ve yüksek kg ve tonajlı yük asansörlerinde kullanılmaktadır. İçerisinde bulunan motor ve yağ pompası sürekli yağ içerisinde çalışır, aşınma ve korozyonu engellemektedir çalışmaktadır ısınma daha az olur aşağı yön güvenlik boru kırılma ve ve patlak boru valfi bulunmaktadır. Serbest düşüş engellemek için emniyet valfleri, hidrolik asansör yüksek basınç ve düşük basınç devreleri bulunmaktadır takılma ve sürtünme sıkıştırmasında devreyi iptal edip koruma moduna geçmektedir. Hidrolik asansör kurulumu diğer mrl, direk askı, makine daireli ve dişlili asansörlere göre daha basittir. OUR CERTIFICATES EU TYPE EXAMINATION OF ELEVATORS (MODULE B) SERVICE QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE TYPE COMPLIANCE OF ELEVATORS BASED ON PRODUCT QUALITY ASSURANCE (MODULE E) TRADEMARK REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE

  • Galeri̇ | | İstanbul

    You can check the photos of our works on hydraulic lift cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Villa Asansörü Villa Asansörü Villa Asansörü Villa Asansörü 1/44

  • Hi̇droli̇k Araç Asansörü | | İstanbul

    CAR LIFT Different vehicle lifts suitable for every height and every weight can be designed and produced for your various needs. They are powerful elevators that allow vehicles to lift. It allows more efficient parking of vehicles in smaller spaces. Basements and/or upper floors of buildings can be used as car parks with vehicle elevators. In vehicle lifts designed as closed cabins within the scope of the Elevator Regulation, the cabin door is mandatory. If the lift is in the form of a semi-open platform, the Machinery Safety Regulation must be taken into account. Car Lift doors can be made fully automatic or semi-automatic. Vehicle lifts are generally used in car parks, car service lifts, automotive companies and vehicle galleries.

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