As Hydraulic Lift Service / ADM ELEVATOR, all kinds of single and double acting cylinder seal replacement, valve oil leak removal, comfort adjustment and spare parts, interior and exterior repair kits are made. We repair your hydraulic elevator faults immediately _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_edip.
We are affixing a new electric human and freight elevator, ENE -1, hydraulically driven human and freight elevator, EN 81-20, hydraulically driven human and freight elevator, in EN 81-A3 standard, CE marking. We carry out GREEN AND BLUE processes in accordance with TS EN 81-80 standards in the replacement of old elevators in the renewal of permission . We repair new and old generation valve groups in hydraulic lifts, repair of internal and external leaks, engine winding and pump repair, cylinder seal replacement, internal and external oil leak repairs. ISO Quality Assurance System criteria, with our 24/7 on-duty services, we look at all kinds of hydraulic lifts and repair them immediately.
If you want your hydraulic elevator malfunctions to be repaired immediately call us
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